File Photo: A vial of the Pfizer / Biometric COVID-19 vaccine was seen before it was administered at Royal Victoria Hospital, on the first day of the largest immunization program in British history, in Belfast, Northern Ireland, December 8, 2020. Liam McBurney / Paul via Reuters / File Photo

(Reuters) – An affiliate of ABC News’ ABC News reported that a 45-year-old nurse in California tested positive for COVID-19 more than a week after receiving a coronavirus vaccine from Pfizer. Tuesday.

Matthew W., a nurse at two different local hospitals, said in a Facebook post on December 18 that he had received the Pfizer vaccine, telling his ABC News company that his arm was sore for one day but he did not experience any other side-effects.

Six days after Christmas Eve, the report added, he became ill after working shift work in the COVID-19 unit. He had chills and then developed muscle aches and fatigue.

The report said he went to a hospital testing site and tested positive for COVID-19 the day after Christmas.

Christian Ramers, an infectious disease specialist at the San Diego Family Health Centers, told ABC News that this scenario was not unexpected.

“We know from clinical trials of the vaccine that it will take about 10 to 14 days for you to start developing vaccine protection,” Ramers said.

Ramers added, “This is the first dose that we think gives you about 50%, and you need that second dose to get to 95%.”

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