Nothing can stop Girl Scouts Biscuit Season – not even pandemic.

During normal times, first grader Allie Schroer, from Scottsdale, Arizona, might have sold cookies to her neighbors face to face, but the coronavirus pandemic forced her to rethink her strategy.

In a video circulating now, Allie made her fabulous sales show in front of a doorbell surveillance camera IlliterateKristen Schroer posted on Facebook last week.

“Hey, I’m Ali!” Says, Standing in front of the camera. “Would you like to buy some Girl Scout cakes? What do you prefer?”

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“You could buy them $ 5 each, so would you like one?” You add a little later. “Or two, three, four, five? Or six or seven or eight or nine or 10? I don’t know, maybe 11, 12? Well, that’s a lot.”

For those who are unsure of which cookies to order, Allie said the cookie box colors can help potential customers decide.

“What is your favorite color, because the boxes are colors,” she says, adding that if your favorite color is one of the colors in the cookie boxes, you can choose it.

“So, would you like to buy any of them?” Allie says and she finishes her wish. “I have all kinds. Thank you.”

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Allie’s mother, Christine, told local news outlets, 12 newsWithin 24 hours after she posted Allie’s sales presentation, she sold more than 200 boxes online.

Allie Shroyer, a first grader, from Scottsdale, Arizona, hit her Girl Scout cookie sales goal after her fabulous sales spilled out in front of her doorbell surveillance camera.  (IStock)

Allie Shroyer, a first grader, from Scottsdale, Arizona, hit her Girl Scout cookie sales goal after her fabulous sales spilled out in front of her doorbell surveillance camera. (IStock)

On Thursday, CBS News mentioned Allie sold 600 boxes, which was more than its sales target.

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Christine said People That security doorbell sales offer was the “second best thing” to personal cookie sales.

“I knew she wouldn’t be able to go door-to-door, so we thought the next best thing was to score a sales offer at the door,” Christine told the magazine.

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“It is important to us that she is still learning the skills that she will get from going door to door in exchange for her mother sending a link,” she added. “She didn’t have minutes. We just mentioned her box price, and we told her to give us her best offers.”

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