The frozen desert is a scientific haven for more than 1,000 researchers throughout the year, observing climate change and studying Earth’s history. The arid landscapes give them access to an unspoilt world, where they can complete their research, despite the temperatures as low as -90 ° C. Conditions in parts of the region are so harsh that scientists rarely visit them, and instead use satellite data to complete their work.

However, the Science Channel revealed its “What on Earth?” The series How one of the photos – which appears to show something shattered – has left the experts in awe of themselves.

Aviation journalist Joe Pappalardo said: “To me, it looks like something landed there very quickly and stopped.

“Something might have crashed.

“When you think of something happening in that part of the world, you think of the worst air disaster in New Zealand history.”

The series provided details of the devastating events of the Mount Erebs disaster.

The narrator said: “Collision theory is gaining momentum when investigators discover that the photo was taken near the site of the world’s most catastrophic air accidents.

At 7.21 am on November 28, 1979, Air New Zealand Flight 901 took off from Auckland Airport on a sightseeing tour of Antarctica.

Crew reported clear weather and good visibility.

“But as the plane approaches Mt. Erebus, there is a strange and frightening optical illusion known as blackout that is fooling the pilots.”

Read more: Antarctica bomb: The satellite captured a man-made formation at an altitude of 400 feet in an untouched area

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“But if we look at this thing here, this little rock shows shade – it’s an elevated feature.”

The narrator explained in detail how NASA quickly supported this theory.

He added in 2017: “Shadow indicates that it is not low in the ice, but that something is rising above it.

NASA scientists Dr. Kelly Brent travels to the distant feature.

“I found a seven-mile wall of jagged ice jutting out from the frozen seas of McMurdo Sound.

“It’s a rare kind of feature of glaciers created by millions of tons of ice flowing from the base of Mount Erebus into the frozen seas.”

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