“Give yourself permission to experience joy.”

Beyoncé gave us a very rare insight into her family life – including her 3-year-old twins, Sir and Rumi.

To celebrate the New Year, Queen Bey posted a four-minute summary of 2020 on her IGTV, writing, “2020 We are divided and alone. Most of us have not been able to see our loved ones and have felt many losses, but we are alone with our humanity.”

In the “Savage Remix” portion of the video, Rumi is seen holding the words “lil bop” cute to “If you don’t jump to put on jeans, baby, you won’t feel my pain.”

Then Bai Rumi asks, “How do you feel about summer this year? Do you have a good summer?” – the one with a beautiful smile.

Beyoncé / Via instagram.com

This sir is sitting in Beyoncé’s lap.

Maybe that is a very clear point, but heavenly, Rumi looks a lot like Jay-Z and Bai.

There are also very cool shots of Blue Ivy recording her part of “Brown Skin Girl” – you know, that made it Youngest Grammy Award nominee ever.

The video ends with a message to “Give yourself permission to experience joy. The moments with those you love are precious.”

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