Strict new requirements for travelers wanting to enter Britain from Monday come as concern grows over new mutations of the deadly coronavirus.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson imposed new rules requiring everyone traveling to Britain to undergo a negative Corona virus test within the past 72 hours, and must undergo immediate isolation for a period of up to 10 days, The Times of London reported.

Government data shows that the number of hospitalized patients with coronavirus in the United Kingdom It rose by 35 percent over the past week. The burden is weighing on health care workers.

The restrictions have no end date, but the government has said they will continue for at least a month. With most vacation travel already being banned, the new rules are likely to affect business trips and British citizens returning from other countries.

The new rules start days after the prime minister announces the country’s vaccine program Will work around the clock Seven days a week. Johnson said that after advancing vaccinations, “What we don’t want to see is that all of this work is undercut with the arrival of a new species that destroys vaccines,” The Times reported.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson imposed strict new travel rules regarding the novel coronavirus on January 15, 2021.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson imposed strict new travel rules regarding the novel coronavirus on January 15, 2021.
Dominic Lipinski / By Wire / Paul via Reuters

The number of new coronavirus cases in the United Kingdom reached 55,885 on Saturday, according to Johns Hopkins University. This was lower than the record high of 68,192 January 8. The new deaths reached 1,285, also down from the record number of 1,568 deaths that were recorded on Wednesday.

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The virus has killed nearly 87,500 people in the UK, including 76,338 in England.

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