Illustration of an article titled Feast Your Eyes on New Photos of the Grand Canyon of Mars

Photo: NASA / University of Arizona

There is still a lot we don’t know about Mars, but thanks to some Recently released Pictures, we got a better look at the red planet equivalent to the Grand Canyon. Although this is not entirely accurate: the clock on Mars – called Valles Marineris – is roughly 10 times long and three times as deep as our planet on Earth. And while scientists still don’t know how the valley formed, This new Pictures from the research going on The University of Arizona (UA) in Tucson Provides more clues. Here’s how to take a look at pictures out of this world (sorry).

What makes this valley so special?

Basically, there are two things: It’s huge and fuzzy. Per site:

Known as Valles Marineris, this system of deep and wide canyons is more than 2,500 miles (4,000 km) along the Martian equator, and stretches nearly a quarter of the planet’s circumference. This wound in Mars Rock is 10 times the length of the Grand Canyon on Earth and three times deeper, making it the largest single canyon in the Solar System and … one of the most mysterious canyons.

Given how hot and dry Mars is, scientists don’t think Vallis Marineris was Carved out by running water, Like the Grand Canyon. Although researchers from European Space Agency (ESA) He said there was evidence that the gushing water may have deepened some of the canals in the valley – although that would have happened hundreds of millions of years ago.

How to see the new pictures of the valley on the surface of Mars

here they are Last The images were released with an incredibly high-resolution camera called HiRISE (short for High Resolution Imaging Scientific Experience) on board the Mars Exploration Rover. To verify this or any other photo of the valley (or taken from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter), Visit the HiRISE website of the University of Arizona in Tucson.

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