Erica JaneHusband estranged Tom Girardi Unable to take care of himself or his money on his own due to a cognitive condition, according to his brother Robert “Bob” Girardi, Who has submitted legal papers to request the appointment of a temporary guard to handle his personal and financial affairs.

Tom, 81, did not respond publicly to his brother’s file, which was filed in Los Angeles court on Tuesday, Jan.19. Erica, 49 years old, located in Procedures for divorcing her ex-husband It is also named in the Embezzlement lawsuit Filed against him, as he did not make any public statements. The The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills The star actor had no comment when E! News.

In his file, Robert asserts that his brother’s current situation has unfortunately deteriorated to the point that he cannot take care of himself without assistance, and that his “short-term memory is extremely vulnerable and, based on information and belief, is often undirected in terms of date, time or place.”

Last month , Tom’s attorney told a federal judge In a hearing on the embezzlement lawsuit that his client has “issues related to his mental capacity.” Tom, who called by phone, spoke only once to let the judge hear his voice and when he was asked to explain what happened to the money he was accused of embezzlement, his lawyer told the judge, “I have advised him to refuse that,” according to Chicago Sun-Times.

Robert also mentions in the newspapers that he is “directly aware that Tom lives alone and cannot take care of himself,” noting that over the past twenty-five years, he has hired help to help him and that his housekeeper has long since “resigned because he can no longer pay.” Them anymore. “

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