Annual subscription cost for ESPN Plus subscribers will increase from $ 49.99 to $ 59.99 in 2021, to me variety. ESPN raised the monthly price for ESPN Plus Earlier this year, to $ 5.99Now the annual subscription gets the same treatment.

New subscribers will start paying $ 59.99 on January 8, 2021, and the new price is said to pass to existing subscribers a few months later in March. Disney has already announced that Disney Plus and the company’s package of Hulu, Disney Plus, and ESPN Plus will each be It costs an additional $ 1 starting in March 2021It raised those prices to $ 8.99 and $ 13.99, respectively. The influx of price hikes was one of the themes for 2020; YouTube TV raised its priceFubo followed After not too long, Netflix raised the cost of Most Popular $ 1 Streaming Plan, And Hulu’s Live TV Streaming Service I got a price bump, too.

The price for ESPN Plus’ UFC pay-per-view events in January will also change. Currently, each match costs $ 64.99, but after January 8th, that changes to $ 69.99. UFC pay-per-view matches are exclusive to ESPN Plus in the US, so the price change will affect anyone who follows MMA regularly. Outside the United States, match availability varies by region, however Official UFC Site Contains the latest information.

These kinds of price increases for live streaming services are not unusual, and if anything, it gives insight into ESPN and Disney’s confidence in their service. There are new exclusive offers from ESPN Plus coming to the service next year, but the biggest advantage ESPN has got is the broadcast rights to Southeastern Conference Football, which It will bring SEC Games to streaming service in 2021. We’ll have to see if these are enough of our existing subscribers to survive.

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