However, Play Music users had a long time to download or transfer their music. Google first confirmed that Play Music would close its digital doors again in August 2020. Speaking at the time about the decision, Google said: “For the past two months, we have been welcoming Google Play Music listeners to YouTube Music as they transfer their music libraries. And their personal taste preferences and their playlists easily to YouTube Music.

“Today we’re announcing two important updates. Firstly, YouTube Music will replace Google Play Music by December 2020. Users will have the opportunity to transfer their music libraries from Google Play Music to YouTube Music within that timeframe. Second, in the coming months, music users will not be able to Google Play from broadcasting or using the Google Play Music app Additionally, we are making changes to Google Play Store and Music Manager.

“Starting in September 2020 in New Zealand and South Africa – and in October for all other global markets – users will no longer be able to stream from or use the Google Play Music app. But don’t worry, we’ll stick with things like playlists, uploads, purchases, likes and more until December 2020 to facilitate Transfer process to YouTube Music. Users who want to transfer their music libraries from Google Play Music to YouTube Music can do so until December 2020, after which Google Play Music libraries will not be available anymore. “

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