This artist’s impression shows the first interstellar object to visit the Solar System, ‘Oumuamua,’ which was discovered on October 19, 2017 by the Pan-STARRS1 Telescope in Hawaii. European Southern Observatory / m. Kornmesser / Posted via Reuters
  • Scientists discovered in 2017 the first sign of intelligent life outside Earth, according to a new book written by Harvard University professor Avi Loeb.

  • ‘The rocky cigar-shaped body is somewhat reddish in color,’ it was called ‘1I / 2017 U1’ Oumuamua ‘ NASA.

  • “There was only one conceivable explanation: The target was a piece of advanced technology created by an alien, distant civilization,” according to the publisher. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

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Harvard University astronomer Avi Loeb, in a book to be published this month, wrote an extraterrestrial object through space near Earth in 2017.

It was the first sign of intelligent life outside Earth, according to Loeb.

Scientists at the Hawaii Observatory saw “an object flying across our inner solar system, moving so fast that it can only be from another star,” according to a marketing summary for Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Extraterrestrial: the first sign of intelligent life outside Earth

The object wasn’t a natural event, but a piece of space junk that was ejected by another galaxy, according to Webb. Science professor With a PhD in Physics.

“There was only one conceivable explanation: The target was a piece of advanced technology created by a distant, alien civilization,” according to HMH.

Avi Loeb Stephen Hawking 2016.JPG
Physicist Avi Loeb, right, on stage with physicist Stephen Hawking and others. Lucas Jackson / Reuters

In a review, Publishers Weekly described the book with a “Controversial statement.”

But Loeb was not alone in his enthusiasm about this thing, which NASA called “1I / 2017 U1 ‘Oumuamua.”

NASA said in its message: “The first confirmed object from another star that visits our solar system, it appears that this interstellar object is a rocky, cigar-shaped body of a somewhat red color.” Object description.

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“We have assumed for decades that such interstellar objects exist there, and now – for the first time – we have direct evidence of their existence,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, Associate Director of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. when It was originally discovered.

He added, “This historical discovery opens a new window for studying the formation of solar systems outside our range.”

In the book’s cover advertisement, Anne Wojcicki, CEO and co-founder of 23andMe, writes that Loeb’s new book “convinces you that scientific curiosity is the key to our future success.”

She wrote: “An exciting and eloquent case in which we may have seen a sign of intelligent life near Earth – and that we should look further.

Harvard University Fellow Eric Maskin, Nobel Prize Winner in Economics, added, “Is the hypothesis correct? Who knows. But let’s try to find out!”

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