There were no immediate details of his death.

DGA President Thomas Shalam said, “Our hearts are heavy today as we mourn the death of our esteemed director, longtime DGA leader and my friend Michael Aptide. His legacy will forever be woven into the fabric of cinema and our union.”

Shalami said, “Michael had a courageous vision as a director and union leader like no other. He saw the course of things when others did not, and we were all the beneficiaries of his wisdom and dedication throughout his life.”

Born Abtad in 1941 in Aylesbury, England, she has had a great deal of business in television, films and documentaries.

He directed the 1980 Golden Globe Award-winning film “The Daughter of the Coal Mine” in the Music and Comedy category. Sissy Spacek won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in the film.

Apted was a prolific director of films like & quot;  The World is Not Enough & quot;

Other notable works by Agatha, Gorky Park, Gorillas in the Mist, Neil and Kafa are other notable works.

Apted directed the 1999 film The World Is Not Enough, part of the James Bond franchise, as well as the third installment of the Chronicles of Narnia franchise.

Apted’s most famous documentary work has been the long-running “Up” series. The lives of more than a dozen Britons have been followed for decades, starting with 14 seven-year-olds in “Seven Up!”

Subsequent films were produced every seven years, revisiting how each child’s life changed as they entered adulthood, and then old age, in the final production, “63 Up.”

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In 2003, Apted was elected Chairman of the DGA, and he remained in business until 2009. His six-year term was the longest for a DGA president since the 1960s.

Steven Soderbergh, director and co-founder of the Independent Directors’ Committee at the union with Apted, said, “I’ve spent countless hours literally two feet away from Michael and loved every minute of him. Aside from his remarkable portfolio of work, what he presented to the DGA could not be measured; He is completely in the Guild, and he inspired all of us to follow his example. We were lucky to have him and to know him. “

In 2009, he was awarded the Companion of Saint Michael and Saint George’s Medal by Queen Elizabeth II for his work in the entertainment industries.

His wife Paige and his three children survived.

Travis Caldwell of CNN contributed to this report.

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