“Women need to talk about how to earn money and not be ashamed of it.”

Well, a quick summary: While presenting best makeup at the 2002 Academy Awards with Reese Witherspoon, Ryan Phillip tells his now ex-wife to reveal the winner because you “get more than I do”. (Go to 1: 42-1: 52 in the video below.)

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Oscars / ABC / YouTube / Via youtube.com

Did you forget that? Well, Witherspoon did too, as she admitted recently on her podcast HFPA in Conversation: “You remind me of that! I forgot what happened. But you are right, he said that, and no, it was not written.”

Daniel Ventorelli / WireImage,

She went on to say that she had no idea that Philip would say that on stage, and that he had left her “a bit confused at this moment as well.”

Witherspoon referred to the moment again later in his podcast before diving deeper into “the double standards that exist in our society.”

Edward Berthelot / Getty Images

“There are so few women who make so much money that sometimes they feel ashamed about it, and sometimes they are expected to give more and do more and be more for others in the same position that he says would not be expected of a male movie star to.”

“This is just a double standard that exists in our society. But I think gender norms have changed a lot since that moment in the year 2000.”

Steve Granitz / WireImage

“I think there are more women earning money. I think there are more conversations around the division of housework and that men are able, happy, and ready to do things their parents might not have done when they were growing up.”

“But I think it all goes back to the point where we need to talk. Women need to talk about money and how they made money and not feel ashamed of it.”

Gregg DeGuire / Getty Images

Witherspoon also shared a story about her daughter Ava feeling “very embarrassed” after raising her classmates that her mother was one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood.

“Never be shy about a woman making money,” I said. “There are women all over this world who do not have the opportunity, the education, or the ability to earn money.”

Rachel Murray / Getty Images

“And the more women who earn more money, and they will donate more money, and they will take care of their societies, and they will take care of their societies, and they will do more with this money.”

“So you never feel bad about your mom making money, you never feel bad about making money, and you don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed if it’s more than your partner.”

Steve Granitz / WireImage

“And this is a lesson I must learn because my mother certainly was not in this situation and neither was my grandmother. I still go through it as a woman.”


Golden Globe / GIF

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