Activision Blizzard has moved its Activision side, Vicarious Visions, to work alongside Blizzard.

The publisher said today Effective today, it is incorporating Vicarious Visions into Blizzard Entertainment.

Going forward, the Vicarious Visions team of approximately 200 people will be Blizzard employees and “completely dedicated to Blizzard’s current games and initiatives,” which means Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2 studio will not create the games as a lead developer.

“After collaborating with Vicarious Visions for some time and developing a great relationship, Blizzard knew there was an opportunity [Vicarious Visions] To provide long-term support, ”one rep explained. They refused to say what the team had been working on with Blizzard, or for how long.

As part of this move, Vicarious Visions Studio President Jen Oneal has been promoted to Blizzard’s Executive Vice President of Development, where she joins the company’s leadership team and will report directly to Blizzard President J. Allen Brack.

Oneal was replaced in the lead role for studio Vicarious Visions by Simon Ebejer, who previously held the position of Director of Operations for the studio.

Vicarius had visions Activision acquired it in 2005 He has worked on several of the largest publisher franchises over the years, including Guitar Hero, Spider-Man, Tony Hawk, Crash Bandicoot, Destiny, Skylanders, and Call of Duty.

The studio will remain in Albany, New York.

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